The soul and inspiration behind The Firehouse 5 was its visionary founder, Dan "Hunny" Printz. The studio was Dan's dream realized—a welcoming space where the community could gather, connect, and grow through dance. His tireless dedication not only built a home for dancers but also contributed to the creation of thousands of new dance enthusiasts. Dan's legacy ensures that The Firehouse 5 continues to be an inviting, fun, and casual environment that stands a little off the beaten path. In honor of his impactful life's work, his spirit lives on in every step taken on the dance floor.

Dan & The Firehouse 5

— Dan Printz

“A little off the beaten path”.

The Firehouse 5 has a rich history of welcoming everyone to come dance, thanks to its founders, Dan Hunny Printz, Michelle Gorre, and Chris Peake. The Firehouse has roots in Argentine Tango, Blues, Swing, Fusion and more.

The Current Team:

  • Sammie Anne

    Studio Manager

    Sammie Anne serves as the Studio Manager at The Firehouse 5. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for dance, they oversee studio rentals and coordinate the various events held at the space. They are also the driving force behind the Fusion events, orchestrating planning, and occasionally teaching. Their hands-on approach ensures that both instructors and attendees have what they need for a successful experience.

  • Mike Dreckman

    Operations Manager

    Mike Dreckman is the Operations Manager at The Firehouse 5. Specializing in back-end operations, Mike ensures that the studio runs smoothly from a logistical standpoint. His responsibilities include routine maintenance, financial management, and general oversight. His behind-the-scenes work provides the necessary support that allows the studio and its events to function seamlessly.